
Water hyacinths are familiar types of water hyacinths that grow in many rivers and rivers. In the past, people had to find ways to destroy them because they caused congestion of inland waterways and difficulties in fishing.

However, with their creativity and skillful hands, the craftsmen have transformed these simple water fern into diversified, beautiful handicraft products with high economic value. .

Water hyacinth grows about 30 cm high with round, green, smooth and smooth leaves, long, narrow arched leaf veins. Leaves curl together like petals. The leaf stalk swells up like a bubble of intestine to help the plant float on the water. The three sepals are like three wings. Duckweed roots look like black feathers falling into the water, up to 1 m long.

In the summer, water hyacinth blooms with light purple color, blue dots, and yellow petals above. There are 6 stigma including 3 long 3 short. The upper 3-cell contains many ovules and capsules. Tune flowers upright to lift flowers up from the leaf grasp.

Hyacinth plants reproduce very quickly, so it is easy to block ponds, lakes, canals. A mother plant can give birth to seedlings, doubling the number every 2 weeks. Living both on land and in water

In recent years, handicraft products made of water hyacinth and banana sheaths in the Mekong River Delta (Mekong Delta) have developed strongly. Currently, almost every province and city in the region has this product. Because not only take advantage of available natural materials, but also bring in a considerable source of foreign currency and contribute to poverty reduction in rural areas.

Previously, handicraft products in the Mekong Delta were mainly from rattan, bamboo, but now has made room for items made of water hyacinth, banana sheath … From these materials, through skillful hands. craftsmen’s skills become beautiful products such as baskets, wine baskets, rugs, shelves, cabinets, tables and chairs … Currently, these “eco-friendly products” are being sold by domestic customers. out of favor.

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