
Bamboo is a group of woody perennial green plants, cluster roots, hollow inside, divided into many segments, on the bamboo stalks have eyes. Bamboo belongs to the Ministry of Hoa Thao, Subfamily Tre, Tong Tre (Bambuseae), some of the species in this group are very large, and are considered to be the largest in the Hoa Thao Ministry. Bamboo is also a flowering plant, but only blooms once at the end of life. Normally, bamboo blooms every 5 – 60 years. Bamboo flowers have a slightly strong scent and have a light yellow color like sand. [1] Small bamboo is about 2-3 meters tall, there are old ones that can be more than 5 meters tall. The bamboo leaves are small, tapered, flat, tapering towards the head, sharp. Bamboo is easy to live with, doesn’t need too many conditions. Bamboo usually grows in populations rather than into separate individuals.

Bamboo is used to make household objects (tables, chairs, chopsticks, baskets …) for houses, (columns, trusses, piles, bamboo slabs, bamboo crests, bamboo press-tops …). Making agricultural objects (bucket, pickaxe, shovel handle, pillar…). Handicrafts (trays, boxes, bottles, jars … bamboo root can be carved into statues). Bamboo shoots are used for food. Dried bamboo, including the roots for firewood. During the war, Tre was used as a very powerful weapon (bamboo, cane, bow and arrow …).

Bamboo used for these activities, although not specified in detail, is estimated to account for 25-30% of the annual exploited output. In industry Bamboo is used as a raw material in the form of bars, chips or fibers, powder. Plywood made from woven mulch, wood chips or bamboo bars dipped in glue. Then glued with the necessary pressure and temperature for the board to have a sustainable structure, enough to meet the requirements of use such as ceilings, partitions, floors, wall cladding, roof …

Bamboo fiber due to its advantages of length and flexibility compared to wood fiber. So it is very suitable as a raw material for pulp production, which requires high quality paper. In the future, pulp from bamboo material will also be an attractive commodity with huge potential for consumption in the international market. In particular, bamboo shoots of many bamboo species are clean, delicious, nutritious, and also effective in treating diseases. At present, there are many companies specialized in bamboo shoots and many enterprises of processing fresh and dried bamboo shoots are established. Bamboo Leaves, Tre Tinh…. is also the family’s local source of medicine. Bamboo is also used to produce pesticides and activated carbon. . .

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